Tuesday, August 14, 2007

"Pressing And Curling"

The process of "Pressing and Curling" hair isn't any more damaging than the chemical treatments we process our hair with. As a matter-of-fact, it is far less damaging than some chemicals and hair styles that are performed improperly.

For instance, over-processing Relaxers, Curly Perms and Color... And God forbid, the combinations of more than one chemical service!!! Even having the hair braided by an incompetent person is extremely damaging. There are literally thousands of horror stories, and many a sister whose hairline has NEVER grown back!!!

So let's not try and pretend that "Pressing and Curling" is SOOOOOOOHHH... BAD for our hair, while the other degrading things we choose to do to it are not. Just because we add some "so-called" miracle conditioner, DOES NOT stop the structural degradation of the hair. Although, it may slow the process down. Whereas, instead of it falling out over-night, it may take several months instead.

My point is, respect another persons right to CHOOSE what they want to do to their hair. Without a lot of flack about how bad it is. As a Stylist, if you don't want to offer the "Press and Curl" as a service... that's okay too... don't...

There are plenty of other Stylists who will.


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